Thanksgiving 2022: I didn’t know there would be so many goodbyes
This week is Thanksgiving and there will be an empty seat at my table.
The third Thursday of November had always been our favorite holiday. I loved cooking the food. But Thanksgiving dinner now has another meaning since it was the last real meal my husband ate.
I’m coming up on the third anniversary of his death on December 12, 2019. After a cruel progressive illness, Tony died at 6 pm, turned to the west-facing window, where if he eyes had not been closed he would have seen the planes coming over the Hudson River on their way to LaGuardia, their lights sparkling in the dark winter sky.
My mourning had already begun several years before, caring for a person who month by month was losing so much. We knew there was no cure. It was just a matter of time, which honestly seemed endless, and so I hoped it wouldn’t be too long before he died.
When the time came, I felt a deep relief. It was over. But then two men arrived to remove his body. Seeing him put into a black bag, lifted onto a stretcher, and wheeled out, only then it hit me. He really was gone, zipped up into something that could have been a garbage bag. I let out a howl, a sound I could never have imagined.
The funeral was beautiful and simple, conducted by my beloved rabbi and Hazzan (Cantor). The burial was in a small old cemetery 35 miles away, surrounded by woods and some snow on the ground.
People have different ways of “moving on” after the death of a spouse. Some people leave the old place and buy or rent a new one. I bought colorful velvet cushions and soft oriental rugs, making a new nest to hibernate in for the winter. Then Covid soon hit, making my isolation even more intense.
When would it be time to get rid of Tony’s things, his belongings? What do you cast off and what do you keep? It’s been almost three years of this process and it’s still goes on. The first step was easy. But then there were his special coats and jackets, things he splurged on in NYC, which was a new life for him. Holding these items while about to donate, I saw his body in them, so each thing I gave away prompted another small mourning - all of those tiny moments accumulating became easier to handle emotionally, (sort of), but you feel like it’s never really over.
I am a keeper (not a hoarder, that’s different). I keep my connections, my friends—have never thrown one away, even when they have left me behind. My childhood was not happy, with a difficult father who absorbed all of my mother’s energy, leaving little for me, but even so, I keep some of my parents’ furniture that I’d loved, making it anew, transforming it into something that gives me pleasure, but also helps me forgive things from the past. There has to be a way to both let go while holding on to what matters.
Having had a long marriage with Tony for more than 35 years, I cannot discard everything.
Just before that last Thanksgiving, as we sat on the sofa companionnably watching TV, Tony suddenly took off his wedding ring and threw it across the room towards the door. I knew he was done.
What to keep, what to let go—the story of our lives, of living, and yes of growing while getting older.
Today, the bed goes. Our old mattress is shot. I am replacing our huge king size bed with a queen. I feel bad, throwing out yet something else from our life. I know I will not sleep tonight.
Saying goodbye, again and again. The mere repetition of these goodbyes are also remembrances, as if the person still lives in our mind, deep in our memories (only disappearing if we lose our memory). Neuroscience surely must have something to say about this.
For the last few years, the days passing by with Covid, I felt I had no future (ominous words that one of Tony’s doctors said about turning 70). It wasn’t depression, but I just couldn’t get rid of that feeling. But last summer, a mere four months ago, I felt a seismic shift upon returning to Illinois for a month, where I have friends and a house I hadn’t seen for at least five years. I spent lots of time sharing food and wine, fully immersed in present happiness, but also starting to worry less about whether I had much of a future.
The house needed work, more than just a new (expensive) roof. My wonderful son encouraged me saying, “If you love being here, do it! Do what makes you happy!” And that moment turned me around. If I was going to renovate part of my home, I would do it the way I wanted, finding beautiful (but sustainable!) wood floors, colorful oriental rugs, blue ceramic tiles, feeling the artist within me newly alive.
I found pleasure as I envisioned “my” home, which had been “ours,” but no longer. I realized doing this project—renovation in more than one sense—provides me a sense of a future to enjoy, even while honoring the past.
When I return to that house, (aka, my house), in another month, it will still feel like home, just renewed and more beautiful. Just the thought makes me happy.
Tony would have wanted that too.